In Ayurveda, Medicinal plants are mainly and widely used for the purpose of treatment. So it is mandatory to study Pharmacological properties & Action of different official useful part of each and every medicinal plant.

DRAVYGUNA VIJNANAM (Ayurveda pharmacology with clinical applications).

DRAVYAGUNA VIJNANAM is the core subject of Ayurveda, which deals with Physical properties like Pharmacognostical aspect, Chemical properties like Potency and various Pharmacological Action of specific part of medicinal plant, along with Applied aspects like Clinical applications i.e., Single drug or Multi drug therapy on different disorder or diseases, various Formulations, Dose fixation, Adjuvants, Indication & Contraindication, Effect, Adverse effects, Toxic effects, Purification of toxic materials, Substitutes of original drugs, Adulterants etc.

It also deals with Conservation, Preservation, Cultivation & Propagation of Classical Medicinal plant using various techniques.

The Department of DRAVYAGUNA VIJNANAM is a full fledged Department which is completely digitalised / computerised. The Department is having a well equipped spacious laboratory to accommodate whole batch to conduct Pharmacognostical studies, Organoleptic examination, Histological evaluations etc. and to conduct Demonstration classes with the help of visual aids at a stretch.


The Department is having a Museum with systematic arrangements of hundreds of dry specimens, wet specimens etc. It is also having beautiful photographs of different groups of drugs which can be studied visually. Big charts of different concepts are placed for easy understanding. Display of CHARAKOKTA PANCHADASHA MAHAKASHAYA VARGA (50 groups X 10 drugs = 500 drugs) is scientifically arranged so as to study and understand the depth of KARMA VIJNANAM, which is core part of dravyaguna. Dry specimens of Agroushadam, different Doshakarmas and also Visha dravyas are arranged in addition. Misraka ganas also set to understand medicinal formulations


The department maintains a beautiful herbal garden “BHAVA PRAKASHAM” spread out an area of 10,176 Sq.mtr. Garden is having thousands of medicinal plants with 453 identified varieties (classical & folklore) which are used in the field of treatments which also includes rare and endangered species.

Establishment of CHARAKOKTA AGROUSHADAM , a speciality version of treatment is made with effort to fufill almost of all the plants of ganam for the purpose of practical studies.

According to Janma Nakshatram (Birth star) plants are placed to form NAKSHATRA TARU which helps to explain the relationship between Ayurveda & Jyothisham (Astrology).

Dashamoolam, Panchavalkalam, Triphala, Shadushanm, CHATURJATAM, Sugantha Thriphala, Dashapushpam etc. are also arranged.

Demonstration Hall of 53.56 Sq.mtr. area built in the graden for demonstration studies.

Project on Preservation, Cultivation and Propagation of endangered species, plantation of Ashoka, Dadima, ,Amlaki etc.completed successfully.

This year, on June 5th, 2017, “World Environment Day”, the programme of NATURAL CONSERVATION OF MEDICINAL PLANTS is started in an area of more than twenty two acres of land to extend BHAVAPRAKASHAM, THE HERBAL GARDEN.